Select this product for Molecular Innovations name, Rabbit Anti-mouse Prorenin, High Titer and product number, ASMPREN-GF-HT.
Rabbit Anti Mouse Prorenin/Renin Polyclonal Affinity Purified from Innovative Research is a polyclonal antibody in a Frozen liquid format. This antibody has been purified using protein A affinity chromatography .
Fractionated preparations may be especially useful in research where high affinity is necessary, especially in cases where the target antigen is less abundant. IgG Fractionated antiserum can also contain very high affinity antibodies that are sometimes missing from affinity purified preparations (since they can bind so tightly to the affinity matrix that they are not always eluted).
More Details:
- Host: Rabbit
- Species: Mouse
- Target: Prorenin and Renin
- Clonality: Polyclonal
- Purity: Affinity Purified
- Source: Rabbit Serum
- Storage Conditions: -70°C
This product can be used in analytic tools such as ELISA kits and Western blot. At Innovative Research, we provide reliable, consistent products that deliver reliable, consistent results.