Upgrade your GREE Crown , Livo and Vireo Mini Split System to be Wi-Fi compatible with our new Wi-Fi kit. The WSBEC02 Wi-Fi KIt will work with Crown , Livo and Vireo Systems up to 24,000 BTUs. Installations in minutes inside the indoor unit and turns any smart device into a remote with the custom GREE app. The Livo 9,000 BTU 115V Mini Split System uses a different Wi-Fi Kit model WSBEE03.
- 9,000 BTU to 24,000 BTU Wi-Fi Adapter allows you to use any smart device as an alternate remote
- True Wi-Fi function allows your to pre-heat or cool your space remotely before arrival
- Full function display allows for fan, compressor and timer controls from anywhere internet service is available
- Digital thermostat on app display allows precise temperature control
- Download of GREE app required to achieve full functionality
- Idea for managing vacation and rental properties